Sunflower Mini Sessions

Tips from a Professional Photographer and a Professional Mom.

I have done sunflower sessions for quite a few years now, since living in this beautiful area. I also always ask (force...bribe...) my own children to take pictures in the sunflower fields. Therefore, I have learned my lesson regarding a few things when it comes to these gorgeous flower sessions. So take heed of my difficulties to make your experience more enjoyable! AND DON'T FORGET TO SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM TO SIGN UP FOR YOUR SUNFLOWER MINI SESSION!

Sunflower Photo Tip #1: Be prepared for lots of dirt and dust.

The whole farm is quite dusty, but especially the sunflower and pumpkin patches. When Annie was a baby, she kept trying to crawl around among the flowers and was totally COVERED in dust by the end of it - like she seriously looked like she had a spray tan. It was ridiculous. I have now learned to bring a blanket and other sittable props to help avoid this for my clients, but babies especially will inevitably get down in the dirt and get messy! Don't worry, the spray tan does wash off with a little soap and water. And the picture that comes from it is totally worth it!

Pictures of baby Annie from our first experience at the sunflower fields.

Sunflower Photo Tip #2: Do not spend 3 hours before your photo shoot playing on the farm.

My very first time was a test run for me, to see how the sunflower fields looked, how the farm was set up that year, how to best prepare for my sessions. So we decided to make an afternoon of it, letting our young kids enjoy all that Holland Farms has to offer before the sun was low enough to get some gorgeous pictures. THAT WAS A HUGE MISTAKE. By the time the sun was low enough for pictures (not even peak time) the kids were sweaty, dirty, and reaching exhaustion. Poor little Noah really tried to participate for me, but even he produced more of a grimace than a smile. Not to mention how dirty his face is and how sweaty his hair is.

Holland Farm is SO much fun - the kids really enjoyed it, but if you are having professional pictures done, plan to come just for the pictures - because no amount of wet wipes could've cleaned them up, and they were just exhausted and done before I even got a chance to take any pictures! In other words, you should plan 2 trips to Holland Farms... one to experience the fun and one for the gorgeous sunflower pictures!

Picture from our first experience at the sunflower field.

Sunflower Photo Tip #3: Don't be worried if your child wants to run around and explore a bit.

Obviously safety it foremost, but it is quite okay if your child wants to explore the sunflower field a bit. Some of the best pictures come from candid moments! I will follow your child(ren) around as they take in the beauty of the sunflowers so that I can capture natural, real emotions from them. I have learned from lots of experience that children (especially in that "magically" toddler/preschooler age) cannot be forced to smile or look happy or even participate in photos unless they want to do so. Especially if I am a new stranger to them, it may take a few minutes to warm up to me - which is totally okay and natural! So often if your child is wanting to explore, I can get them more comfortable with me and get some beautiful images in the process!

Sunflower photos from our first time at Holland Farms

Sunflower Photo Tip #4: Feed your children dinner or at least a significant snack before your session.

Most sessions take place between 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. because the sun dictates our schedule. Near sunset makes for the best lighting, so it is necessary to wait until the sun is low enough in the sky to avoid harsh lighting and deep shadows. That unfortunately falls right around dinner time. And if your children are anything like mine, they do not have any patience when it comes to eating. So to avoid HANGRY children, feed them an early dinner or at least a nice big snack to hold them over. But not in the outfit you are planning to take pictures in, because we all know that is just asking for a giant red stain.

For your enjoyment, here is my second child showing off her two-year-old sass. Queen of the side-eye. She is especially uncooperative when she is hangry, and I totally forgot to bring a good snack. (5 years older and she is still the queen of the side-eye!)

Little Lucy showing off her side-eye at the sunflower field.

Sunflower Photo Tip #5: There will be lots of bugs and bees.

If your little ones (or you) are a little anxious around buzzing bugs like mine are, be aware that there are tons of bees and other bugs around. These are not mean, malicious bees - they just do their thing collecting pollen from the sunflowers. But if you know your child has some anxiety, discuss beforehand what to expect and prepare them for the "friendly" bees. (My son has a lot of anxiety about bugs, especially bees, and he generally does okay!)

Bumble bee on a sunflower
Beautiful butterflies on sunflowers

Book Your Holland Farms Sunflower Sessions

Holland Farms features the most beautiful sunflower fields every year! This year, choose between one/two of their gorgeous fields: sunflowers, zinnia, and pumpkins. Enjoy the fall scenery and make lovely memories.

Book by September 7 to SAVE $50. Use the coupon code: SUNFLOWER50

  • 30 minute sessions include 15+ edited digital images.
  • Choose 1-2 of the Holland Farms locations for your backdrop: the sunflower field, zinnia field, or pumpkin patch.
  • You will have to pay for admission to the farm for your family.

Session fee is $300. Hold your spot with a $100 retainer and pay the reminder the day before your session. Book your session now!

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