Alabama Newborn Photography | Baby Girl Hazel
I loved having this gorgeous baby girl in my Alabama Newborn Photography studio last year. Yes, yes, I know I am very behind on blogging sessions. This newborn baby girl was a sweet angel in the Photography studio. I recently got to see her sweet face again for a mini session of photography and she has just gotten even cuter if that is possible.

I absolutely loved the color palette mom chose for her session. The bright jewel colors are just glorious and really pop in photos. If you've followed my work, you know I am a huge fan of beautiful colors. I think the reason is that I just love how the colors can really pop when displayed on a wall. Beautiful wall art is my passion and I LOVE how gorgeous coloring can really make a piece shine in a room. Make sure to check out all of the gorgeous wall art I offer!

I often comment that I have everything you could need (and more) in my Milton newborn photography studio. When people walk in, I often hear comments of "Wow... you really do have a ton of stuff!" or "My goodness, you have so many beautiful colors!" That's my goal as your photographer is to get a huge collection, or stash if you will, of yummy gorgeous things for you to utilize as my client. Because these things are not inexpensive (trust me!) especially the good quality stuff that photographs well and doesn't look cheap. And that is what I want your photos to be... upscale, beautiful works of art that are luxurious and anything but cheap!

One of the things I love doing in newborn sessions is creating a real piece of artwork. Sometimes this takes extra magic to create. We in the photography world call these "composites" because they require putting 2 or more pictures together with photo editing software. This may not seem like too much of a challenge, but it is not easy at all to make it look real - and the goal is to trick the mind into thinking it is a REAL picture! To see some of the composite I have done in the past, go here! Make sure to let me know if you'd like something specific for your newborn session. You'll have the opportunity to pick out all of your favorite looks when completing my thorough newborn questionnaire.

And finally, for the most beautiful family! Big brother was just too sweet with his new baby sister. I imagine he's going to be the best big brother and take such good care of her! I always encourage family photos for newborn photography sessions in my Navarre photography studio. It's so important to have these memories to look back on... to see how eensy teeny tiny baby was in your arms... to remind big siblings that they did actually love their littles at one point in time, before the stealing of toys starts.