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This little guy walked (well, his parents walked, he’s a baby…) into my newborn photography studio in Pace, Florida, and I about died to see how adorable he was. His sweet face, big brown eyes, and amazing full head of hair – a newborn photographer’s dream.

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If you know me, you know that I love colors, but every once in a while I get requests for neutral tones and I love the challenge! (I always ask clients to complete a questionnaire to share their favorite colors so I can create the perfect color scheme for your session).

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pensacola newborn portraits, newborn photography studio near me, baby portraits, baby photography  pensacola, professional infant photos, infant photographer, get newborn pictures taken

Sweet boy was SO alert – he was awake for a good bit of his session, but we were still able to get some adorable pictures during that time. Just look at that adorable expressive face!

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pensacola newborn portraits, newborn photography studio near me, baby portraits, baby photography  pensacola, professional infant photos, infant photographer, get newborn pictures taken
pensacola newborn portraits, newborn photography studio near me, baby portraits, baby photography  pensacola, professional infant photos, infant photographer, get newborn pictures taken
pensacola newborn portraits, newborn photography studio near me, baby portraits, baby photography  pensacola, professional infant photos, infant photographer, get newborn pictures taken

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